The World is what You think it is....

Our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. What we think  is what we speak and what we speak is what we create.  This is why the greatest weapon today is the media. 

Have you ever noticed that depending on what mood you  wake up in will dictate how your day goes? 

“Energy flows where attention goes” – is the second  principle of shamanism 

So if your thoughts are negative, fuelled with fear, anger,  rage, resentment, lack, feeling sorry for yourself, guilt then  that is what you will continue to attract and create. 

However, starting the day living in the now with positive  thoughts and actions will create positivity throughout your  day. There are many tools that you can use to create  positivity in your life. These include meditation, yoga,  qigong, doing affirmations, breathwork, gratitude etc. 

Now is all we have. You can not change the past and you  have no control over the future. That is why now is called  ‘the present’. It is only through letting go of the past and  living in the now that you can manifest the future that you  seek. 

After all, this is just one giant illusion. 

We are living in an extraordinary time where, for the first  time in human history, humanity has an opportunity to choose between freedom or slavery. To finally be free from  the tyranny that is been inflicted upon humanity.   

The name of the game for those in power is ‘divide and  conquer’. 

Through fear - False Evidence Appearing Real – the elite are  able to control the masses. Nothing that is projected in  mainstream media is the truth. The level of fear in  mainstream media is a tool, ruthlessly wielded to keep you  in the depths of despair, disempowerment and fear. 

I will let you in on a little secret. Those in power are unable  to dream. All they know is how to hijack your dreams  through fear by sustaining the illusion that you are not strong or powerful. 

This is a ploy to keep your frequency down in order to  control you. They know how powerful you are. They don’t  want you to know it too. 

The only way to be free is by taking back control of your  thoughts. You are not responsible for what is happening  outside of yourself. However, you are responsible for the  energy you project. 

The greatest power of all is love as it erases all fear. So question everything, especially your head. 

At the end of the day, whose truth is it? 

I was honoured to meet and attend Don Miquel Ruiz’s  workshops. He wrote ‘The Four Agreements’ which I highly recommend. The last thing he said to me before leaving  Mexico was, 

“Whatever you do Christina, never allow anyone to place suggestion in you.” 

I see a lot of clients who continuously torture themselves in  their heads, saying horrible things about themselves. 

When I ask if they would say those things to someone else,  they instantly say no. They would never do that to someone  else. And yet they feel it’s ok to do it to themselves. They  constantly judge themselves, attacking their thoughts,  actions and bodies. They believe they are not good enough,  not deserving. They feel depressed and anxious and spend  all their time trying to fit in. 

It is insane that we do this to ourselves. These are the  programs that keep us trapped and living in fear. But they  are a mere distraction. Think about it. Whilst you are busy in  your head attacking yourself, those in power are able to  continue taking more of your rights and freedom through  the illusion of ‘keeping you safe’. 

It is now time to take back our power and heal these  programs, the shadow within all of us. This is our golden  opportunity to finally make peace with our world, to stand  in our truth and shine our light for all to see. When humanity  unites as one people, it is ‘game over for those in power  and their fear agenda. 

Everything we seek outside of self can only be found within. 

You can choose freedom or slavery…. 

Affirmation: I am the light 

I am the love 

I am the truth 

I am. 

Christina Christou @alkehela


Always Trust in your Intuition