Alkehela Tools

Three steps to starting the day…

One: 21 Breath Meditation 

Imagine a golden light, the colour of the midday sun warm and gentle, (if you can’t see colours just place the intention) coming down from creator (whatever creator is too you). 

Gently breathing it down through the top of the head, through the brain and into the pineal gland (between the eyebrows).

As you breathe out imagine releasing that energy into every cell of your being.  Gentle slow breaths x 21.  

(You can do the breathing exercise longer if you wish. The counting is merely to assist you in stopping the mind chatter.)

Two: Grounding your energy  

Breathing into the stomach and as you breathe out imagine the energy being released down the legs and out of the feet forming tree-like roots. 

Imagine the roots going deep into the earth, down into the 

core of the earth. With each exhalation the roots become thicker and stronger.  Continue to do this until you feel your feet firmly grounded. (Recommend 2- 3  times a day. It is important to ground your energy and center. Helps release  anxiety and stress.) 

Three: Golden shield of protection 

Imagine a golden light coming down from creator. Put the intent that it goes over  your auric field like a thick golden shield. Wrapping around your energy field. A  violet flame coming down over the shield.  

IMPORTANT that you say the following.  

“This shield now stays as a protection from this day forth until I part the earth.  All negative energy may leave but none can enter, only love can come through. I ask that all negative energy be turned into positive energy for planetary healing.  I am safe, hidden, protected and loved now and always.”


Choose what resonates for you...

The key to saying affirmations is to override the negative thoughts that are  ruling your mind and too manifest the reality you seek. Words are important  and powerful but we use them against ourselves and each other. It is so  important to be mindful of your words. It is also the feeling, passion  behind the word that gives it power.  

You can not change the past and you have no control of the future.  All we have is now. It is only through living in the now that you create  your future…. 

What you think is what you speak and what you speak is what you create….. One of the principles of The 4 Agreements by Don Miquel Ruiz is:  “Be impeccable with your word.”

  • “Today is a wonderful day, filled with abundance and grace.”

  • “I am the light. I am the love. I am the truth. I am…” 

  • “I ask the universe to bear witness to my greatness now.” 

  • “Safely show me deliberately hidden truths on a grand and multi  dimensional scale and a much greater knowing of the extension of love within it. Now.” 

  • “I now use my free will to take back my power and free myself from all fears  and limitations.” 

  • “I use my will to choose for my four bodies - emotional body, mental body,  spiritual body and physical body to come into harmony with the Golden Age  and the God/Goddess self frequency.” 

  • “I command for my spiritual, emotional and mental body to come back into  my physical body now.” 

  • “I now choose to not be adversely or negatively infected or affected with  chemicals, toxins, parasites, 5G, negative thought forms, mind control  programs and covid.” 

  • “All that I seek is now at my fingertips as I am the master of my reality.” “I am worthy to receive all the love that I seek. Now and always.” 

  • “I am worthy to receive all the abundance that I seek.”  

  • “I forgive all who have ever hurt me in this lifetime or any other lifetime. I forgive myself for I am love, I am love, I am love now and always.”

  • (Breath emerald green into the heart chakra x 3)

Using the Five Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz as affirmations.

• Today I am impeccable with my words. 

• Today I do not take anything personally. 

• Today I am no assumptions. 

• Today I will do my best. 

• Today I am skeptical but learning to listen.

Affirmations for Creating more Financial Abundance

“ I deny debt, there is no debt in divine mind therefore I owe no man  anything. All obligations are now wiped out under grace and in miraculous  ways.” 

• I attract prosperity on a daily basis. 

• I am ready and able to receive more money, more abundance.

• I have more than enough money. 

• Money comes to me in unexpected ways. 

• I deserve to make more money. 

• I am open and receptive to all wealth life brings me.  

“I now manifest my abundance free of limitations with ease and grace in miraculous ways.”

Shower of Power

Shower of Power:  

Imagine a golden light coming down from creator - source of unconditional love.

And breath it now through the top of your head into your heart space x 3.

Say the following:  

  • I am happy 

  • I am healthy 

  • I am worthy  

  • I am wealthy   

  • I am wise   

  • I am free 

  • I am passionate 

  • I am compassionate  

  • I am love 

  • I am here   

  • I am at peace     

  • I am fulfilled  

  • I am complete

  • I am everything 

  • I am source 

  • I am thatI am, I am all that is I AM

  • I am loving

  • I am beautiful 

  • I am kind 

  • I am joyful   

  • I am delightful 

  • I am expensive 

  • I am magnetic  

  • I am attractive 

  • I am creative 

  • I am receptive 

  • I am forgiving 

  • I am inspiring   

  • I am abundant   

  • I am magical 

  • I am appreciative 

  • I am grateful 

  • I am original 

  • I am valuable       

Breath Golden light gently down into the heart and place the intent to release  it into every cell of your being.  

Night Affirmation

Say the following every morning

“I use my will to choose for my physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body to come into harmony with the Golden Age and my God/Goddess frequency now.”

To block toxins:

I use my will to now choose not to be adversely or infected or affected by chemicals, toxins, parasites,

5G, covid, vaccines, negative thought forms and mind control programs now.

For your children: Imagine placing a golden blanket over them and saying: ________(their name) is safe, hidden, protected and loved always.

Everything is made of energy including you. It is easy to pick up on other  peoples energy such as anger, fear , resentment etc so it important to release it.  

Sage your body - white sage, palo santos, gum leaves.  

All energies that are not mine or that are mine and that do not serve my  highest good, I now return back to creator to be transmuted into love for the  earth mother’s healing.” Breath the golden light into the heart space x 3.

Always ask the question:

  • “What space, energy and contagiousness can my body and I be now to  bring in more universal support and more clarity. Show me how it gets any  better than this with ease and joy?” 

  • “ Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? 

  • “ What can I be, do, have, create or generate that would make my life and  the world a better place?” 

  • “ What would I like my life to look like?” 

  • “ Who am I and what grand and glorious adventures am I going to have  today?” 

  • “What generative energy, space and consciousness can my body and I be  that would allow ____________?” (Put whatever it is you seek to have now) 

  • “What does this have to do with my soul purpose?” 

  • “I love, I accept, I trust, I honour, I respect all of me now and always.” 

  • “I am the creator of my dreams and I now choose to be free.” 

  • “ Today I am free from all limiting beliefs as I create my abundance with  ease.”  

  • “ Love is the key that will set my spirit free. I am free.”


Through Gratitude we create our abundance.  

There is so much to be grateful for, that we take for granted.

State 7 things you are grateful for every morning and give thanks. 

Eg: “I am grateful for my health, my home, my job, my family and friends. Grateful for my abundance and food on the table. That I can think for my  self. That I have FREE WILL.

Letter Burning Ceremony

IMPORTANT: If you write the letter you must burn it straight away. (If you don’t, it can open wounds and there is no need to feel those emotions again.)  

One: Write letter  

Dear ______________________, 

I hate the way I feel …………………………………….

I feel …………………………………….

I felt …………………………………….

I am feeling …………………………………….

Write about your feelings, you can curse in letter and it is o.k to repeat yourself.  Release everything from the mind, all those toxic thoughts and feelings. Let in flow and give yourself permission to let go.  

Two: Once you finish the letter, you must burn it straight away.  

Three: Repeat this statement. 

“I thank the universe for the lessons that these emotions have brought me but I  wish to release myself now and forever more.” 

Four: Burn the letter and repeat  

“I release myself.”  

Five: There is a trick.... 

  • If the letter burns fast it means you released the emotions.  

  • If the letter burns slowly or if it is very smoky it means you have not. Burn the letter to the end and you will need to do it again. It doesn’t have to be straight away, it is when you’re ready.